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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

How To Prepare Your Community Against Water-Related Disasters

10/9/2023 (Permalink)

Green SERVPRO van parked outside a structure. Community resilience against water-related disasters in Florida is not only a responsibility but a necessity.

Florida, renowned for its picturesque coastlines and natural beauty, faces the recurring threat of water-related disasters. Hurricanes, flooding, and heavy rains often challenge our communities. To address these risks and foster resilience, it's essential for Florida residents to unite and take proactive measures. In this blog, we'll explore strategies and steps for bolstering community resilience against water-related disasters in the Sunshine State.

Community Preparedness Workshops

One of the initial steps in building resilience is educating the community. Organizing workshops that focus on preparedness can empower residents with knowledge about water-related disasters and the measures they can take to safeguard their homes and families. These workshops can cover topics such as hurricane preparedness, flood safety, and disaster response plans.

Emergency Response Planning

Communities should collaborate to formulate comprehensive emergency response plans. These plans must encompass evacuation routes, designated shelters, and effective communication strategies. Ensuring that every member of the community knows their role during a disaster can save lives and reduce panic.

Flood Preparedness and Mitigation

Flooding is a recurring threat in Florida, especially during hurricane season. Communities can invest in flood mitigation efforts such as improved drainage systems, elevation of vulnerable properties, and the creation of green spaces that can absorb excess water. Additionally, residents can take steps to protect their homes, like installing flood barriers and elevating utilities.

Storm-Resistant Building Practices

Florida's building codes have evolved to become some of the most stringent in the country, emphasizing hurricane-resistant construction. Encouraging and enforcing these codes ensures that new construction can withstand water-related disasters. Existing structures can also be retrofitted to improve their resilience.

Community Engagement and Support

Building resilience is a collective effort. Encourage neighbors to check in on each other, particularly vulnerable populations like the elderly and those with disabilities. Create community networks that can provide support during and after disasters. Knowing that you have a strong support system can alleviate stress during challenging times.

Professional Disaster Restoration Services

In the aftermath of a water-related disaster, it's essential to have access to professional disaster restoration services. Companies like SERVPRO® are well-equipped to handle water damage restoration, mold remediation, and more. Having a reliable restoration partner can expedite recovery efforts.

Community resilience against water-related disasters in Florida is not only a responsibility but a necessity. By educating ourselves, planning ahead, and working together, we can better protect our homes and loved ones. Remember, disasters can happen at any time, so it's essential to be prepared. If your community is affected by a water-related disaster, count on SERVPRO® to help you get back on your feet. We're here to support our fellow Floridians when they need it most.

What is the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale?

9/17/2023 (Permalink)

Hurricanes are powerful natural disasters that can cause extensive damage to homes and properties. To better understand and prepare for these storms, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Developed in 1971, this scale categorizes hurricanes based on their wind speeds and provides valuable insights into their potential impact. In this blog, we will explore the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, empowering homeowners and property owners with the knowledge to safeguard their assets and stay safe during hurricane season.

What is the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale?

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, commonly referred to as the Hurricane Scale, is a classification system used to categorize hurricanes based on their sustained wind speeds. The scale, ranging from Category 1 to Category 5, helps meteorologists and emergency responders assess the potential damage and impact of an approaching hurricane.

Understanding Each Category

Category 1 (74-95 mph): Hurricanes in this category are considered weak, with wind speeds that can cause minimal damage to homes, trees, and power lines. While still dangerous, preparations for a Category 1 hurricane should focus on securing loose items and preparing for possible power outages.

Category 2 (96-110 mph): Category 2 hurricanes bring stronger winds that can cause moderate damage to roofs, windows, and mobile homes. It is crucial to reinforce weak structures and secure outdoor belongings before the storm arrives.

Category 3 (111-129 mph): A Category 3 hurricane is considered a major hurricane. It can cause extensive damage to well-built homes, uproot trees, and disrupt power and water services. Evacuation may be necessary in areas prone to storm surges.

Category 4 (130-156 mph): Category 4 hurricanes are extremely dangerous and can cause severe structural damage to homes and buildings. Widespread power outages, flooding, and storm surges are expected. Evacuation orders are often issued for vulnerable coastal communities.

Category 5 (157 mph or higher): The most catastrophic hurricanes fall under Category 5. These storms cause complete roof failure, extensive damage to buildings, and significant infrastructure destruction. Residents in the path of a Category 5 hurricane must evacuate to secure locations.

Importance of Knowing the Scale

Understanding the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is essential for preparedness and decision-making during hurricane season. It allows homeowners and property owners to gauge the severity of an approaching storm and take appropriate measures to protect their assets and ensure their safety.

Preparedness Measures for Each Category

Based on the category of an approaching hurricane, different levels of preparedness are required. Homeowners should stock up on emergency supplies, create a family evacuation plan, and reinforce their properties based on the anticipated wind strength.

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a valuable tool for homeowners and property owners to comprehend the potential impact of an approaching hurricane. By understanding the differences between each category, individuals can make informed decisions, prepare their homes, and prioritize safety measures accordingly. Familiarize yourself with the scale, stay informed through weather updates, and be proactive in your hurricane preparedness efforts. By taking these steps, you can better protect your home, loved ones, and property during the unpredictable hurricane season.

The Commercial Fire Cleanup Process: Restoring Your Business after a Devastating Fire

8/30/2023 (Permalink)

A fire can be devastating for any business, causing significant damage and disruption. After the flames have been extinguished, it's essential to start the commercial fire cleanup process as soon as possible. This process involves several critical steps to assess the damage, clean up the debris, and restore your business to its pre-fire condition. In this blog post, we will discuss the essential steps involved in commercial fire cleanup and why it's important to hire professionals for this task.

Step 1: Assessment and Safety Measures

The first step in commercial fire cleanup is to assess the extent of the damage. A professional fire restoration company will conduct a thorough inspection to determine the areas affected by the fire, smoke, and soot. They will also evaluate the structural integrity of the building and identify any safety hazards.

During this assessment, safety measures are implemented to protect workers and prevent further damage. These measures may include securing the building, boarding up windows and doors, and setting up temporary fencing.

Step 2: Debris Removal

Once the assessment is complete, the next step is to remove debris. This involves removing damaged materials, such as walls, ceiling tiles, furniture, and equipment. Debris removal is a crucial step as it allows for easier access to the affected areas and prevents further contamination.

Professional fire cleanup teams are skilled in handling debris removal safely and efficiently. They use specialized equipment like dumpsters and heavy-duty machinery to haul away the debris. Proper disposal is also essential to comply with regulations and minimize environmental impact.

Step 3: Smoke and Soot Cleaning

Smoke and soot can cause extensive damage and leave behind lingering odors. The third step in the commercial fire cleanup process involves cleaning and removing smoke and soot residues from surfaces, including walls, ceilings, floors, and equipment.

Experienced professionals use specialized techniques and equipment to effectively clean and restore affected areas. This may involve using chemical cleaners, high-powered vacuums, and thermal fogging to neutralize odors and remove smoke and soot particles.

Step 4: Water and Fire Damage Restoration

Firefighting efforts often result in water damage. The cleanup process includes water extraction and drying to prevent secondary damage, such as mold growth. Fire-damaged areas are then repaired and restored, including structural repairs, electrical and plumbing work, and repainting.

Throughout the commercial fire cleanup process, it is essential to document all the damaged areas, items, and the restoration process itself. This documentation is vital for insurance claims and can help ensure that you receive fair compensation for the damages. Professional restoration companies often work closely with insurance providers to streamline the claims process. They can provide the necessary documentation and assist with filing the insurance claim accurately.

A commercial fire can be a devastating event for any business. However, with the right professionals and a systematic fire cleanup process in place, a business can recover and rebuild. By following the necessary steps, from assessment to documentation, you can restore your business to its former glory.

Remember, hiring a professional fire restoration company is essential for a successful commercial fire cleanup. They have the expertise, equipment, and knowledge to handle the restoration process safely and efficiently, allowing you to focus on getting your business back on track.

Dealing with Accidental Fire Sprinkler Activation: Quick Steps for Effective Response

7/17/2023 (Permalink)

Fire sprinkler systems are crucial for protecting lives and property in the event of a fire. However, there may be instances when sprinklers are accidentally triggered, causing water damage and potential disruption. If you find yourself in a situation where fire sprinklers go off accidentally, it's important to take immediate action to mitigate the damage and ensure safety. In this blog post, we will outline the necessary steps to follow if the fire sprinklers are activated unintentionally, helping you navigate through the situation effectively.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

The first and most crucial step is to stay calm and assess the situation. Take a moment to understand the extent of the accidental activation and evaluate any potential hazards or risks. Assess whether the sprinklers have been triggered in a single area or throughout the building.

Locate the Water Shutoff Valve

Locate the main water shutoff valve for the fire sprinkler system. It is typically found near the sprinkler riser or in a designated control room. Shutting off the water supply will help minimize further water discharge and damage. Turn the valve clockwise to close it fully.

Contact the Fire Department and Building Management

Notify the fire department and building management immediately about the accidental activation of the fire sprinklers. Provide them with accurate information about the situation and follow any instructions they provide.

Document the Incident

Take photos or videos of the affected areas to document the extent of the damage caused by the accidental sprinkler activation. This documentation may be necessary for insurance claims or discussions with building management.

Remove Excess Water

If possible, use buckets, mops, or towels to start removing excess water from the affected areas. Promptly dry any sensitive or valuable items to prevent further damage. Open windows or use fans to facilitate air circulation and aid in the drying process.

Seek Professional Assistance

Contact a reputable water damage restoration company with experience in handling water emergencies. They can assess the situation, provide professional advice, and assist in the cleanup and restoration process. Their expertise will help ensure proper water extraction, drying, and mitigating any potential mold growth.

Communicate with Insurance Provider

Notify your insurance provider about the accidental activation of the fire sprinklers. Provide them with all relevant information, including photos and documentation of the incident. Consult with them on the necessary steps to file a claim and seek coverage for the damages incurred.

While accidental activation of fire sprinklers can be disruptive and cause water damage, it is crucial to stay calm and take immediate action. By promptly locating and shutting off the water supply, contacting the necessary authorities, documenting the incident, removing excess water, seeking professional assistance, and communicating with your insurance provider, you can effectively manage the situation and minimize the impact of the accidental sprinkler activation. Remember, safety should always be the top priority, and professional assistance is invaluable in restoring your property to its pre-incident condition.

What Not to Do After a Flood: Essential Guidelines for Post-Flood Recovery

7/10/2023 (Permalink)

Dealing with the aftermath of a flood can be overwhelming and challenging. It's important to approach the situation with caution and make informed decisions to ensure your safety and the proper recovery of your property. In this blog, we will discuss what not to do after a flood, providing you with essential guidelines to avoid common pitfalls and minimize further damage during the recovery process.

Proper Safety Precautions

Do not walk or wade through floodwaters without proper protective gear. The water may contain contaminants, sharp objects, or hidden hazards. Avoid entering flooded basements or structures until professionals have deemed them safe. Structural integrity may be compromised, and electrical and gas systems could pose serious risks.

Delay Contacting Relevant Authorities and Insurance

Do not delay contacting your insurance provider to initiate the claim process. Document the damage and keep records of all communications. Report the flood to local authorities and emergency management agencies. They can provide assistance and guidance in the recovery process.

Touch Electrical Systems or Appliances without Professional Evaluation

Do not touch electrical panels, outlets, or appliances if they have been submerged or if you suspect water damage. Contact a qualified electrician to assess the situation and ensure it is safe before attempting any repairs or operations.

Dispose of Items without Proper Documentation

Avoid throwing away damaged items without proper documentation for insurance purposes. Take photographs, make a detailed inventory of damaged items, and keep receipts and invoices whenever possible.

Neglect Proper Cleaning and Disinfection

Do not overlook the importance of thorough cleaning and disinfection after a flood. Standing water and moisture can promote the growth of mold and bacteria. Follow recommended cleaning protocols and use appropriate disinfectants to mitigate.

Ignore Structural Damage and Mold Growth

Do not overlook signs of structural damage, such as cracks, warping, or shifting. Consult a professional contractor or engineer to assess the integrity of the building and make necessary repairs. Address mold growth promptly to prevent its spread. Mold can begin to develop within 24-48 hours after a flood. Seek professional mold remediation services if necessary.

Attempt Extensive Repairs without Professional Assistance

Do not attempt extensive repairs or renovations without professional guidance. Structural repairs, electrical work, and plumbing modifications should be handled by qualified contractors to ensure safety and compliance with building codes. Do not neglect your emotional well-being and the well-being of others affected by the flood. Seek support from friends, family, or counseling services to help cope with the stress and emotional toll of the situation.

Recovering from a flood requires careful consideration and adherence to proper guidelines. By knowing what not to do after a flood, you can avoid common mistakes and protect yourself, your property, and your loved ones. Remember to prioritize safety, involve professionals for assessments and repairs, document the damage for insurance purposes, and take care of your emotional well-being throughout the recovery process. With a proactive and informed approach, you can navigate the post-flood recovery effectively and restore your property to its pre-flood condition.

6 Tips for Controlling Mold Problems in Your Home

5/18/2023 (Permalink)

Mold is a common problem in many homes, especially in areas with high humidity levels or where water damage has occurred. If you have a mold problem in your home, it's essential to address it quickly to prevent it from spreading and becoming a more significant issue. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how to control mold problems in your home.

Identify the source of the moisture

Mold thrives in damp, humid environments, so the first step in controlling a mold problem is to identify the source of the moisture. This could be anything from a leaky roof to a burst pipe or even excessive condensation on windows. Once you have identified the source, you can take steps to fix it, which will help to prevent mold from growing and spreading.

Improve ventilation

Poor ventilation can contribute to mold growth by trapping moisture and preventing it from evaporating. To improve ventilation in your home, make sure that air can circulate freely through all rooms. You can also install exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens, which will help to remove excess moisture and prevent mold growth.

Clean up mold immediately

If you spot mold growing in your home, it's essential to clean it up as soon as possible. Use a commercial cleaning solution to clean the affected area thoroughly. Be sure to wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from mold spores. Once you have cleaned the area, dry it thoroughly to prevent any moisture from remaining.

Use a dehumidifier

If your home is particularly humid, a dehumidifier can help to control mold growth by removing excess moisture from the air. This is particularly important in areas such as basements, which can be prone to dampness.

Keep your home well-maintained

Regular maintenance of your home can help to prevent mold growth by keeping moisture levels under control. This includes fixing leaky pipes and roofs, repairing any water damage as soon as it occurs, and regularly cleaning your home to remove any mold spores that may be present.

Monitor humidity levels

Monitoring the humidity levels in your home can help you to identify potential mold problems before they become too serious. You can purchase a humidity meter to keep track of the moisture levels in your home. Ideally, you want to keep the humidity level below 60%.

In conclusion, controlling a mold problem in your home requires a combination of identifying and fixing the source of moisture, improving ventilation, cleaning up mold immediately, using a dehumidifier, keeping your home well-maintained, and monitoring humidity levels. By following these tips, you can prevent mold from becoming a more significant issue.

Protecting Your Business: Understanding What a Commercial Property Insurance Policy Covers

4/5/2023 (Permalink)

Commercial property insurance, also known as business property insurance, is a type of policy that protects businesses and organizations from financial loss due to damage or loss of their property. Commercial property insurance policies can vary depending on the type of business, the location, and the specific coverage needs. However, there are some common types of coverage that are typically included in a commercial property insurance policy.

Property Damage

Property damage coverage is designed to protect your business against damage to your property, including your building, office equipment, and inventory. The policy will cover the cost of repairs or replacement of damaged property due to fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

Business Interruption

Business interruption coverage provides financial protection for businesses that are unable to operate due to property damage. This coverage can help cover lost revenue, payroll, and other expenses during the time when the business is closed for repairs.

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is designed to protect your business in the event of lawsuits or claims against your business. This type of coverage will pay for legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments if a customer or third party is injured on your property or if your business causes property damage or personal injury.

Equipment Breakdown

Equipment breakdown coverage provides financial protection for businesses that rely on machinery and equipment. This coverage can help cover the cost of repairs or replacement of damaged equipment due to mechanical failure, electrical surges, or other causes.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is a type of coverage that is designed for businesses that use vehicles for business purposes. This policy can cover damage to your vehicles and liability in the event of accidents.

Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is a separate policy that is designed to protect businesses from damage caused by flooding. Commercial property insurance policies typically do not include coverage for flooding, so it is important to consider purchasing flood insurance if your business is located in an area that is at risk of flooding.

In conclusion, commercial property insurance is essential for businesses of all sizes and types. It provides financial protection for property damage, liability claims, equipment breakdown, and other risks that can impact your business. It is important to review your coverage needs carefully with your insurance provider to ensure that your policy provides adequate protection for your business. With the right coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is protected in the event of unexpected losses or damages.

Is a flooded basement covered with my insurance?

3/9/2023 (Permalink)

flooded basement This flooded basement was caused from a recent storm.

When it comes to home insurance, there are some things that you can't control. No matter how hard you try, things are going to go wrong sometime. And when they do, you'll want to know that your home is protected by a solid policy and that includes water damage coverage. But what if your basement floods? Is that covered? Do I need professional help? No matter how hard you try, things are going to go wrong sometime. It's just a fact of life.

What is Covered?

We all make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes lead to damage that affects our homes or businesses. But what about when water gets into the basement? Is it covered by insurance?

The short answer is yes, but it depends on your policy and what caused the flooding. If you have a standard homeowner's insurance policy, then most likely any damage from water would be covered as long as there wasn't any negligence involved in its entry into your home or business.

Water damage is the most common.

Water damage is the most common form of home insurance claim. The Insurance Information Institute reports that more than half of all homeowners' insurance claims are for water damage, which makes up about 50% of all insured losses.

Water damage can be caused by many things, including plumbing leaks or burst pipes, flooding from heavy rains or hurricanes/tropical storms, and even broken hoses that spray water onto your property. Water entering your home can happen inside as well as outside. A leaky roof or windowpane to cracks in the foundation caused by shifting soil below ground level (slap jacking).

It may not be covered by your policy.

It's important to check your policy to see if water damage is covered. If you have renters insurance or a home warranty, it may not cover your basement. If you live in a condo or co-op building and have purchased additional insured coverage for floods, this too might not apply when it comes to flooding in basements (since these are considered "common elements").

If you're unsure about what is covered by your policy and whether or not should purchase additional coverage for floods, talk with an agent.

You'll need a professional contractor.

If you have a flooded basement, your first step is to contact an experienced contractor. You need to trust that they will be able to get your home back in order and help you with any insurance claims that may arise from the damage.

You will also need patience. The process can be time consuming and frustrating, but if you're ready for it and willing, then everything will work out just fine. Just remember, there are no guarantees when dealing with insurance companies or contractors, so be prepared for anything!

How it works.

If you're dealing with a flooded basement, it's important to understand how your insurance policy covers the damage and what kind of help you can expect from your insurer. If there are other concerns beyond cost-effective repairs, like mold, then it might make sense for you to seek professional help from start-to-finish, otherwise, consider hiring someone who specializes in water damage restoration as soon as possible so that they can begin working on restoring order quickly and efficiently once everything dries out enough for them do so safely without risk of further damage occurring later down

As you can see, water damage is a common problem that can be difficult to deal with. It's important that you know what your insurance covers so that you can make sure your home stays safe and protected at all times. If you're unsure of what type of coverage or limits may apply in this situation, contact us today!

How to Choose the Right Smoke Detector for Your Home

2/8/2023 (Permalink)

Fire is one of the leading causes of death in the country. It’s estimated that more than 40,000 people die each year from fires and that three out of every four fire deaths occur in homes. To protect your home and loved ones from these tragic statistics, it’s imperative to have a smoke detector. But don’t just settle for any smoke detector—make sure you choose one that will give you ample warning if there is ever an emergency at home.

Types of Smoke Detectors

There are two common types of smoke detectors: ionization detectors and photoelectric detectors.

Ionization smoke detectors use an ionization chamber to detect smoke particles. Photoelectric sensors work in exactly the same way as ionization alarms, except instead of using wires to sense smoke particles, they use light beams that pass-through phototubes.

Ionization detectors

Ionization smoke detectors are the least expensive choice and are typically installed in new homes. They’re sensitive to fast-moving fires, which means they can be triggered by flaming fires and large, smoky fires.

Ionization detectors work by detecting the atoms produced when a fire occurs—the atoms that make up smoke from flames and heat. These detectors rely on the detection of particles in the air (ions).

Ionization smoke detectors are the most common type of detector, and for good reason: they're less expensive than photoelectric detectors and can be installed in a period as short as five minutes. However, ionization detectors have a few downsides. One downside is since they're so sensitive to fast fires that produce lots of smoke, they are prone to false alarms.

Photoelectric detectors

Photoelectric detectors are more sensitive to smaller particles and are better at detecting smoldering fires. They’re not as good at detecting fast-moving fires because the smoke particles in those fires move too quickly for the photoelectric sensor to react. 

Photoelectric detectors work by using a light beam as an optical trigger, which is aimed at a photocell on the front of the unit. When light enters this cell, it triggers an alarm if smoke reaches it before you do—but only if there is no visible flame present in your home!

This sensitivity makes photoelectric detectors ideal for detecting smoldering fires before they become fully developed blazes. The speed and temperature at which these fires spread can be detected by an early warning system like this one, so you can take action even before it's too late. 

The importance of having a smoke detector in your home

Smoke detectors are a must in any home. They can help save lives and alert you to a fire before it gets out of hand. Smoke detectors should be installed in every room of your house, including the basement and garage.

A smoke detector is a lifesaver, but these devices are often misunderstood because they are easily forgotten about until an emergency situation arises. To avoid this problem, it's important that you know exactly how a smoke detector works so that you can install them safely and effectively in all areas of your home. A professionally-installed smoke detector is easy to find at most hardware stores or big box retailers like Walmart or Home Depot; however, there may also be local companies that offer installation services as well.

No matter what type of smoke detector you choose, it is crucial to have one in each room of your home. We hope this article has given you the information needed to make an informed decision about which is best for your home.

What To Do with Belongings After Mold Removal

1/9/2023 (Permalink)

Mold is a serious problem for homeowners, especially when it grows inside of your home. But mold can also be difficult to remove from items like carpeting, upholstery and wood surfaces if left untreated for too long. If you have been exposed to mold in your home or business premises, you should clean and dispose of any items that may have been affected by the fungus growth as soon as possible after removing them from the area.

After removing the mold, should I clean or throw away my belongings?

If the mold has been removed from your belongings, there's no need to throw them away. If you can clean the items, do so. Cut up or remove any visible moldy parts of the item and then wash it thoroughly in hot water with detergent (to remove remaining spores) or a disinfectant product specifically designed for cleaning mold-contaminated items.

If an item cannot be cleaned (for example, if it is covered by carpeting), you should dispose of it in a sealed plastic bag containing dry ice or other desiccant to prevent further growth of mold inside the bagged area before placing it in an outdoor trash barrel or dumpster.

Why Should Items Be Disposed of After Mold Removal?

There are several reasons why it is imperative to dispose of the items after mold removal.

  • Mold can be present in many places in your home, so you must keep an eye out for any signs of mold. If you see black or white spots on walls or ceilings, then you may have a mildew problem and should call a professional immediately.
  • Mold spores are microscopic, and they float through the air waiting for something to land on - like your carpeting or furniture - so that they can grow into colonies.

How to Clean Items that Have Been Molded

After mold removal, it's best to clean items that have been moldy with a HEPA vacuum. You can use a stiff brush to remove any visible mold and then wash the item with hot water and detergent, then dry it in a dryer on high heat for 30 minutes or more.

If the item doesn't come out completely clean after this process, wipe down all surfaces with a vinegar solution (1 part vinegar:10 parts water) and let sit overnight before rinsing again. Finally, dry items completely before returning them to their original location.

How to Clean Up Following Mold Removal

Once the mold has been removed, it’s important to thoroughly clean your home. This will not only help remove any remaining spores and prevent them from spreading, but it also makes living in a mold-free environment more comfortable for you and your family.

  • Remove all contaminated items from your home by washing them with soap and water or throwing them out. This includes bedding, clothes, shoes, toys, and other fabrics that were exposed to the mold. 
  • Clean all surfaces with soap and water. Use a disinfectant spray on hard surfaces such as countertops and floors before wiping down with paper towels or rags soaked in warm water mixed with dish detergent.

Mold removal can be a long and difficult process, but it’s important to take care of your belongings afterwards if you want to keep them. So, make sure you know what needs to be done before calling a mold removal company!

What Does Water Damage Look Like?

12/13/2022 (Permalink)

Black mold growth on ceiling due to humidity beside a light fixture Water damage can lead to mold growth

Signs of Water Damage

Water damage is something that can happen to anyone, but it can sometimes be difficult to tell when your home is affected. In addition to the obvious signs of a water damage that come from things like floods — such as watermarks on walls and floors or standing water in areas — there are several other indicators that may indicate hidden damage. We'll help you learn what these signs are and how they might affect your home so you can act before your property becomes irreparable.

Water can damage many things around the home.

Water damage can occur in many ways, including floods, broken pipes, and leaks. Water damage is also caused by a fire or even a faulty washing machine.

Water damage itself doesn't always look like water. When you notice a strange smell coming from an area of your home, it could be the result of water damage that you didn't know was there until it was too late. You may also see signs of mold growth on walls and ceilings as well as small stains or cracks in drywall where there wasn't any before.

Peeling, bubbling, or flaking paint

Paint is a form of plastic, so it can be damaged by water. Water damage to paint can also mean that there's been some other kind of damage to your home—because if the paint is peeling or bubbling up, you're probably looking at more than just a little bit of mold growing in the basement. The presence of water damage in your home (particularly on the walls) is likely an indication that there are problems with your foundation and/or plumbing system that need to be addressed by professionals.

Warped or discolored floorboards

If your wood floors have sustained water damage, you may notice that they've begun to warp or discolor. This can happen when the wood swells and shrinks due to the water damage. It can also happen when it cracks, which can cause it to lose its structural integrity. If you notice this type of damage in your home, hire a professional contractor as soon as possible.

Discoloration or texture changes in walls or ceilings

  • Water damage can also cause discoloration or texture changes on walls and ceilings.
  • In addition to wallpaper, water can damage paint, plaster, and the surface of drywall.

Swelling or buckling walls or floors

When a room is flooded, damaged walls and floors can swell or buckle. In some cases, the swelling may cause cracks in the drywall as well. This is because water collects inside these materials and expands over time to break them down. It's important to note that this type of damage can occur even if your home has no visible signs of flooding; if there are leaks or breaks in pipes that allow water into your home's interior, you could still be at risk for this sort of structural damage.

Rotting wood flooring

One of the first and most common signs of water damage is rotting wood flooring. When moisture seeps into a home’s floors, it can cause the wood underneath to rot and crumble away.

Not only because decaying floors can lead directly back towards health issues but also because rotten wood can become more flammable when it dries out. 


Water damage is a serious issue, one that can lead to mold growth and destruction of your property if not properly handled. If you think you may have water damage, call SERVPRO of NE Hillsborough/Plant City for help. We’re happy to come out and assess the situation at no charge. Call us today!

Water damage can be devastating to your home and belongings. The best thing to do is call a professional. You should never try to clean up the mess or fix the damage yourself, because it could cause more harm than good. Water is often not visible to the human eye, so if you spot signs of water damage it's important that you act quickly before additional damage occurs.

When Should I Change the Supply Lines In My Bathroom?

11/5/2022 (Permalink)

Bathroom supply line You should change the supply lines in your bathroom every few years.

When Should I Change the Supply Lines in my Bathroom?

If you're like most people, your bathroom supply lines are one of the least-talked about components of your home. Even though they're out of sight, they're not out of mind! In fact, these plumbing parts are used every day and can be susceptible to leaks as they age over time. Knowing when to replace them can help save you from a lot of headache and money down the road — so let's get started!

The supply lines in your bathroom connect to the main water line and delivers water directly to your faucets. Supply lines are usually located behind the walls or under the sink, but they can also be found inside of a wall or floor.

The materials used to make supply lines vary depending on how they will be used and where they are in your home. Plastic supply lines are typically used inside of walls, while copper or galvanized steel supply lines are often found running from a water meter to a house's exterior.

Supply lines are one of the most neglected components of your bathroom since they're typically located behind the walls or under the sink.

You should still clean and inspect these lines regularly to make sure they remain in good condition. If you notice any signs of wear or damage, you'll want to replace them before there is a leak. This will prevent water damage from flooding parts of your home as well as prevent potential health risks that can come with prolonged exposure to mold and mildew buildup on your supply lines.

Supply lines are used multiple times a day and contain rubber parts that deteriorate over time due to constant exposure to pressurized water temperature changes and chemicals.

You should change the supply lines in your bathroom every few years because they are used every day, multiple times a day and contain rubber parts that deteriorate over time due to constant exposure to pressurized water temperature changes and chemicals. You can prolong the life of your supply lines by installing plastic shut-off valves near each faucet (including tub spouts), installing an anti-scald device at the hot water heater, and keeping cabinet doors closed when not in use.

Leaking supply lines can cause significant damage, so it's important that you understand when they need to be replaced.

When should I replace the supply lines in my bathroom?

  • Replace the supply lines in your bathroom as soon as you observe any sign of leaking. Leaking can be caused by several factors, but one thing's for sure: it will lead to significant damage if left unchecked.
  • Plastic supply lines are often covered under a 5–8-year warranty, but steel braided ones come with lifetime warranties. Not only that, but they're also less likely to leak than plastic ones—and they look nicer too!

Supply lines should be replaced every 5-8 years or immediately if leaking

If you're like most of us, you use the water in your bathroom every day. You might take a shower or have a bath. Maybe you wash your hands or brush your teeth. You probably drink from the faucet and clean with soap dispensers and liquid hand soaps.

Whatever it is that you do in there, there's no question that demand on the supply lines (the pipes) is very high. The problem is that they contain rubber parts that deteriorate over time—and sometimes fast. If they begin to leak while they still look good, this isn't necessarily an indicator that they need replacing because they may just be going bad prematurely due to age and wear-and-tear factors such as temperature fluctuations or regular use. 

Hopefully, this article has been helpful in demystifying the supply line replacement process. There’s no need to be intimidated by it; just follow the guidelines above and you'll be sure to get the job done right.

Water Damage is a Result of Fire Damage

10/14/2022 (Permalink)

wet floor, man preparing cleaning utensils Fire and water damage restoration services

In the wake of a commercial fire, water and smoke damage can leave your building in danger of collapsing. It’s important to work with a commercial fire cleanup team that has experience removing both water and smoke damage from buildings. A few tips on what they might need:

Water Damage Is a Result of Fire Damage

Water damage is a side effect of fire damage. Water damage can occur when fire sprinklers go off in your building during a fire. Fire sprinklers are designed to put out fires, but they also release water when they activate. This can cause mold and other problems in your building.

Here's what you need to know about handling the water cleanup after a commercial fire.

The first thing you need to know about water damage after a fire is that it's almost always going to happen. Water damage is a result of fire damage, which itself is a result of the combustion of materials in the building. This can include paper, wood, plastics, and other combustible materials found throughout your office or workplace.

Once those materials begin burning, they create smoke, which contains particles that are filled with water vapor. These particles will eventually rain down upon all non-combustible surfaces within the building causing significant amounts of water damage. 

Water and smoke can spread throughout your building.

Fire damage can cause water and smoke damage throughout your building. Water and smoke can spread through the walls, floors, ceilings, and even crawl spaces of an entire building. This can lead to structural damage that must be repaired before you can begin rebuilding. Firefighters work hard to contain fires as quickly as possible so that they do not spread beyond their original location. However, if a fire does get out of control it could cause extensive structural damage throughout your building’s floors and walls which will require extensive repairs before you can rebuild or reopen your business.

Cleaning up water damage requires special tools.

Water damage cleanup is much more complicated than fire cleanup. Water damage requires special tools, training, and knowledge to perform properly. Firefighters are trained to recognize and clean up water damage.

It’s important to work with a commercial fire cleanup team that has experience removing both water and smoke damage from buildings.

While the fire damage itself is the most obvious and immediate concern, there is another issue that you don’t want to overlook: water damage. Water damage can be even more damaging than smoke damage, because it leaves behind a moldy mess that can take weeks or months to clean up.

To properly remove both water and smoke damage from your building, it’s important to work with a commercial fire cleanup team that has experience removing both types of damage from buildings. The best way to find out if the company you are considering hiring for this type of work has experience in both areas is to ask them about their past jobs and what sort of skills they have when it comes cleaning up after fires.

You should also make sure that any company that you hire has been licensed by your state or city government before hiring them as well; this way you know they have met all legal requirements needed without having to worry about whether they're following protocol correctly when working on your property.

If you’re dealing with water damage after a fire, it’s important to work with a commercial fire cleanup team that has experience removing both water and smoke damage from buildings. The team can assess the extent of the damage and determine whether any items need to be removed or replaced. They can also assist with drying out your building so that mold doesn't start growing on wet surfaces like drywall or carpeting.

The Cost of Mold Damage

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

Mold found on baseboards. Mold found on baseboards.

If mold is present in your Valrico, FL home, the damage could add up depending upon several factors. If you catch the problem quickly, the cost is not likely to be too severe. On the other hand, if the problem is extensive and has been allowed to spread, the final cost could be quite significant. Because of this, mold removal efforts by a professional mold mitigation company should begin as soon as possible. Over time, mold penetrates materials such as drywall, carpeting, and furniture, sometimes requiring they be replaced.

The Cost of Mold Removal

Mold mitigation in your home could cost as little as a couple of hundred dollars or as much as several thousand dollars. The factors that determine the cost include the following:

  • The size of the impacted area
  • The length in time of the mold infestation
  • The areas of the home the mold has colonized
  • The presence of secondary damage such as water damage
  • The scope of structural damage

Some areas of mold growth are harder to access and more difficult to remove, necessitating the use of specialized equipment. For example, if mold spores have made it into the HVAC system, this requires the cleaning of air ducts and perhaps even the furnace. Widespread structural damage to a home is a worst-case scenario.

The Case of Black Mold Removal

Black mold is sometimes famous because it has toxic properties that could impact human health. The removal process for all types of molds is pretty similar and different types of mold are unlikely to affect the cost of cleanup. The restoration process will typically require removing water-damaged materials, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, vacuuming up spores, and repairing damaged drywall and other structures. It could also entail painting and the replacement of clothes and other personal items.

No two jobs for mold removal are the same. In all cases, though, fast action can limit your expenses.

Quick Guide to Residential Fire Extinguishers

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

Extinguishers For The Home

Having a fire extinguisher in your home in Valrico, FL can help you increase your chances of escaping from a fire. With so many products on the market, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. Use this guide and talk with a residential fire cleanup expert to figure out which extinguisher you should stock.


This fire preparedness tool comes in a variety of sizes. The size you want to get depends on where in the house you want to keep it.

  • 2-pound: This small extinguisher is perfect for on the go. You can keep it in the trunk of your car to help prepare you for any situation. Some small models come with mounting hardware, so you can keep it in one place.
  • 5-pound: This rechargeable model works well in fire-hazard areas in the home. Consider keeping it near your kitchen or laundry room, so it's easily accessible.
  • 10-pound: This larger fire extinguisher is ideal for parts of the home that are left unattended for periods of time. The size means there's more fire suppressant chemicals, which can help dampen a fire that went unnoticed for a bit. Keep this size in a garage, shed or workshop.

As you consider the size of your extinguisher, you also need to think about your personal capabilities. If you would struggle to lift and use a 10-pound extinguisher, it might not be the right option for you.


You also have to think about the classification of the extinguisher. Residential products come in three classes: A, B and C. The A classification means the suppressant will work well on trash, wood and paper. B means the extinguisher can help put out a home fire caused by grease or liquids. C usually means it's suited for electrical fires.

Read the label of your fire extinguisher closely to make sure you have a unit that can work well in your home. Consider both size and classification before you buy your next fire dampening tool.

Protecting Your Investment with Fire Coverage

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

Ways To Protect Your Investment From Fire

Losing your business property to the destructive forces of a fire can be a costly nightmare. Fortunately, if you have fire insurance, the financial aftermath does not have to fall entirely on your shoulders. The right coverage can protect your investment from restoration to replacement.

Restoration Expenses
The devastating flames are not the only cause of property damage during fires. It can also happen due to:

  • Smoke
  • Extreme heat
  • Water from firefighting efforts
  • Foam from fire extinguishers

When serious damage has been done, it may be necessary to hire a fire restoration company to perform services such as smoke cleanup and building repairs. Fire insurance can offset the cost of restoring your building, which can help get your investment back on track sooner.

Unexpected Costs
While repair costs are a more obvious expense, there are many unexpected financial setbacks that could occur after a fire. You may have fire department service fees, penalties for being underinsured, or issues with code violations. Without proper insurance, these surprise bills might come out of your pocket. The right fire coverage eliminates the potential for being underinsured, and it can help with unforeseen expenses like fees and code issues.

When a property is lost in a fire, some insurance plans pay actual cash value to the owner. However, the actual cash value might not be the full value of the property to your business operations. This means that if your whole building burns down, you could be responsible for paying a large sum of money to replace it. Fire coverage can include replacement coverage, which covers the value of the lost property or the cost to rebuild or replace it.

When it comes to protecting your Valrico, FL, business property, you should ask yourself if you have enough insurance coverage. If the unthinkable happens, fire insurance could be the first line of defense for your investment.

How Do I Know If There Is Mold in My Office Building?

7/25/2022 (Permalink)

Areas Where You Can Find Mold

You're busy at work, so you don't give much thought to the state of the building as long as your cleaning team comes through and empties the trashcans. You haven't had a flood in Valrico, FL, you haven't spotted a leak, and you have a strict policy about not leaving food out in the kitchen. But still, you have this sneaking suspicion that there's mold in your building.

You don't have to have obvious water damage for mold to grow. A too-high moisture content in your space can allow for mold growth. Mold can even grow on a high dusty shelf and spread to other areas. The only way to know for certain that you have a mold problem is to hire an indoor environmental specialist, but here are a few hints that you may have mold in your building.

1. Smell
People typically describe the smell of mold as "musty." While there are other scents as well—earthy, wet socks, rotten wood—the smell of mold is pretty unpleasant and might be the first hint that you have a problem. Mold can grow anywhere, from you main place of business to the storage room to the bathroom. It's pretty indiscriminate as long as it has a food source.

2. See
Mold that you can see is more disconcerting. Each type of mold might look a little bit different but if you see spots on the wall in the corner that don't match the decor, it might be mold. Not all mold is black; it can be gray, green, yellow, blue, or any combination of those or other colors.

3. Test
When you think you've discovered mold, an indoor environmental specialist should come and do a mold test so that you know what kind you're dealing with. Then the best thing you can do is call a mold removal and remediation professional to clean and restore the area so that you don't have continued problems in the future.

Finding mold can be a little nerve-racking, but with the help of an indoor environmental specialist and a mitigation team, you should have your office cleaned up in no time.

3 Important Things To Know About Bursting Pipes

7/20/2022 (Permalink)

Keep These Three Points In Mind

When a pipe breaks, the mess it causes is complicated. Stopping the leak, removing the water, and drying whatever was affected promptly are essential in preventing mold growth and other issues. If you do have to deal with bursting pipes in Plant City, FL, water remediation specialists are available to help with the cleanup process and stop mold. 

1. What To Do After Flooding
When you have to deal with the hassle of a burst pipe, focus on the source of the leak. Turn off the water source and do your best to remove excess water from the area. Call a professional plumber if you need to fix a broken pipe to ensure that it's done safely and correctly.
Dry everything thoroughly. It is natural to focus on belongings, but make sure attention is given to floors and walls as well. Anything water could have soaked into is susceptible to mold growth. If you spot or suspect mold, turn off any ventilation system that may spread mold spores around.

2. How Mold Takes Hold
Mold can develop in as little as 48 hours after bursting pipes. When walls, floors, and furniture aren't properly dried out after an unexpected flood or leak, mold can develop quickly and silently where you won't see it. Often a musty odor is the first clue that something isn't right.

3. How Professionals Can Handle the Mold
Leave mold cleanup to professionals. Don't touch any mold or attempt to get rid of it yourself. Close off the affected area until it can be cleaned. Don't try to dry out the mold. Blowing a fan over a mold-infested area will not remove the mold, but it may spread mold spores through the air and exacerbate your problem.

The best way to avoid mold from water damage caused by bursting pipes is to maintain your plumbing system. Check on pipes periodically to make sure they aren't leaking or swelling. Respond to small leaks quickly before they turn into something worse.

5 Ways To Reduce Flood Damage To Your Commercial Building

7/1/2022 (Permalink)

5 Ways To Reduce Flood Damage To Your Commercial Property

The FEMA calculator estimates that one inch of flooding can cost owners up to $25,000 in damages. Commercial owners in Valrico,FL, must also consider that as they pay for restoration, the operation may have come to a halt, waiting for the property to become functional again. To save time and money, it's best to take a proactive approach, avoiding water accumulation. The following are five ways to mitigate flood devastation.

1. Check Plumbing Lines

Owners may not realize that flood damage may occur from backups within the gutters and plumbing lines. Sewage water, for instance, may push into the premises as the water level increases outside. The Category three fluid houses a plethora of bacteria. Be sure to have experts check the backflow valve and sump pump annually.

Also, if leaves and debris clog gutters, they cannot function as they should. Rather than drawing the flow away from the structure, it could allow it to filter inside. Consistently check this area, clearing it out as needed.

2. Consider Property Placement

Most flooding impacts the lower zones before the upper regions. Think about where you store expensive or essential pieces. If a major storm hits, water buildup could ruin anything on the floor. Move it to the second floor. If that isn't possible, stack things on tables. Electronics, particularly, require a safe space.

3. Get a Professional Opinion

If you aren't sure about how your place may handle a torrential system, contact a storm and water restoration company. The specialists are certified. With their knowledge, they can point out vulnerabilities and recommend procedures that may safeguard those zones.
They could install permanent flood barriers or moveable walls.

4. Move Electrical Equipment Up

Storm damage permits excessive water penetration that can reach the electrical wiring. Consider moving outlets, circuit breakers and switches to higher levels.

5. Use Waterproof Products

One of the major costs of floods is replacing harmed materials. Consider buying things that hold up well to moisture. Be sure to look for flood-resistant labels.

Flooding doesn't have to ruin your property and set you completely off schedule. Focus on how to hinder water penetration and minimize trouble.

5 Tips To Salvage Flood-Damaged Household Items

6/1/2022 (Permalink)

Restauration machines clean a house If you need professional help, a water damage remediation team like SERVPRO can use industrial fans and dehumidifiers to get the job done faster.

5 Ways To Recover Flood-Damaged Household Items

If a broken pipe recently led to a flood of water in your home in Plant City, FL, it is likely some of your household goods sustained damage. Before throwing important items out, however, it is worth trying to salvage what you can. Here are five tips that may help you get some of your possessions back.

1. Put Down the Hair Dryer

When it comes to removing the water, gentle air drying is best. Even if you think your hair dryer, oven, iron or sunlight will work, think again. These harsher methods can cause even more damage. If you need professional help, a water damage remediation team like SERVPRO can use industrial fans and dehumidifiers to get the job done faster.

2. Separate Wet Materials

Next, look inside your drawers, cabinets and photo albums. Very carefully separate wet items and place paper towels between damaged book pages.

3. Clear Out Dirt and Debris

Water in your home should not be your only concern. Wherever you see dirt or debris, you will need to remove it. Gently brush items off, and avoid rubbing. Depending on the material, dry cleaning can be another solution.

4. Rinse and Dry Photographs

You may be hesitant to put your beloved photos near more water, but carefully rinsing them can help get them clean. Just be careful you do not touch the photos while they are wet. Allow time to air dry before picking them up again.

5. Focus on What Is Most Important

At the end of the day, you may not be able to salvage everything you own. For that reason, it is a good idea to stay focused on items that mean the most to you. Whether something is important for sentimental or financial reasons does not matter. What matters is that it is important to you.

When there is water in your home, it can be devastating to lose your belongings to flooding. That said, there are steps you can take to minimize the damage.

5 Steps to Mitigate Damage After a Storm

5/19/2022 (Permalink)

A house flooded after a storm Has a storm affected your home and family? Call SERVPRO right away to help keep your family safe.

5 Steps For Storm Damage Mitigation

Storms in Plant City, FL, can happen at any time of the year, and they can cause tremendous damage. Whether it is large hail, heavy winds, pouring rain, tornadoes or high amounts of snow, you more than likely have some cleaning up to do and some repairs. The following storm tips will help to minimize damage.

1. Keep Your Family Safe

Your first priority in a storm is to make sure you and your family are in a safe place when the storm is occurring. Once the storm has passed, assess the damage of your home and stay away from broken glass, exposed nails and other sharp objects.

2. Perform Emergency Repairs as Needed

Although calling a professional residential restoration company is important to deal with major storm damage, there are some things you can do immediately after the storm before the professionals arrive. Some of the storm tips are to place plywood over broken windows or place buckets under leaks to prevent further water damage.

3. Call for Professionals to Help Repair Storm Damage

Even if you are handy around the house, it is best to rely on professionals for much of the cleanup. They have the right equipment for restoration, such as to manage flood damage to prevent mold buildup, and there are things they can find that may not be obvious to you.

4. Take Inventory of Damaged Goods

Note the structural damage as well as any damaged property inside and outside the house. Make a complete list and take pictures so you can provide proof.

5. Contact Your Insurance Company

If you have homeowner's insurance, contact your insurance company right away. They can guide you through your next steps and help you file a claim.

Dealing with a storm can be challenging. However, with these storm tips, you know what you can do to take immediate action to prevent further damage.

3 Questions To Ask About Flood Zones

5/12/2022 (Permalink)

3 Flood Zone Inquiry Questions

When large storms hit your area, you might hear neighbors talk about the different flood zones around you and how people are affected by them. If you have never been impacted by significant floods, you might be unsure what flood zones are. Here are three questions you should ask about flood zones.

1. What Is a Flood Zone?

FEMA has categorized different geographical areas of the country based on their chance of flooding and the severity of the flood. Some areas are low to moderate risk, with chances of a flood occurring every 100 to 500 years. Other areas are at higher risk, with the possibility of a flood happening anywhere from every year to every 30 years, depending on where your Valrico, FL, is located.

2. Is Your Home in a Zone?

The easiest way to know if your home is in a flood zone is to do a simple search online. Many websites have access to FEMA floodplain information and will tell you the chances that your home could flood.

If you don't feel that the floodplain map is correct for your home or surrounding area, you can reach out to FEMA and ask them to review your community. If the emergency organization finds that your home no longer fits the category they have you in, they will update their information.

3. How Do You Protect Your Home?

Living in a flood zone means that you should always be ready for the possibility of a flood every time a major storm hits. A mere half an inch of water on the floor of your home can cause catastrophic damage, so you never want to be without flood insurance.

You also want to research some flood restoration specialists in your area and keep their contact information on hand. If your home does get flooded, you'll want to contact them immediately to start the clean-up process.

Large storms might bring floods to your home, but understanding what a floodplain is and how to protect your home can take some of the fear out of a potentially scary situation.

How Can I Perform Upkeep On A Commercial Roof?

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

How Can I Maintain a Commercial Roof?

While running your business in Valrico,FL, you want to ensure that your structures are sound and in good shape. It is important to maintain them on a regular basis, particularly when facing damage from a storm that results in a roof leak. Knowing what to look for and the type of work you may need done can help you decide when to contact a professional.

Keep Gutters Clean

When gutters are unable to drain properly because of a blockage, it is possible for water or debris to cause a backup. If there is water left standing within the gutters, that can make it difficult for proper drainage to occur. Besides checking to see that the gutters are clean, it's crucial to make sure they are held down properly in case wind damage occurs.

Check Drainage Systems

Working with storm damage restoration professionals can be helpful when you have concerns about your drainage systems, both for your roof and the storm drainage on the ground. For example, if there was a flood that occurred in the area, you'll want to ensure that the storm drainage near your business is not otherwise backed up. If it is, it's imperative that the problem gets corrected so you don't experience further flooding.

Examine Hatches and Skylights

The next time you find yourself out on the roof, check for cracks, especially in any areas where there are hatches or skylights. Find out if there was any breakage due to hail or other storm elements. Cracks in these structures can lead to a roof leak, which might go undetected at first. Looking out for damage on a regular basis allows you to catch it before you need to replace your entire roof because of leaking.

Performing upkeep on your commercial roof involves checking regularly for damage. Once you spot a roof leak, it's important to get it fixed right away, so the problem doesn't spread.

What To Know About Rental Insurance Fire Damage Coverage

4/18/2022 (Permalink)

What You Should Know About Renter's Insurance Protection Against Fire

Before you moved into your Valrico,FL, apartment, you probably purchased renters insurance. You may be wondering exactly what that insurance does and does not cover. Most rental policies can be applied to various types of emergencies, including:

  • Storms
  • Theft
  • Accidental overflows of water

Fire is another common peril covered by insurance. However, there are some limits to this coverage. Here are some factors that determine the payout you will receive from your insurer.

Structural Versus Personal Property Damage

The structure of your apartment building is considered the landlord's responsibility, not the tenant's. Any fire damage to the walls, floor or roof should be covered by the property owner's insurance. Your renters insurance, meanwhile, should pay for harm to your personal property within the apartment. You can use this insurance money to replace certain items or to hire fire restoration professionals who can repair your belongings.

Even if the fire resulted from your negligence, the damage should still be covered by insurance. The insurer could deny your claim if it determines that you criminally set the blaze, however.

Replacement Cost Versus Actual Cash Value

Check your policy to see if it includes replacement cost coverage. If not, consider purchasing this inexpensive endorsement. This way, if any of your valuables do need to be discarded following a fire, your insurance will give you enough money to purchase new items.

Without this endorsement, the insurer may only reimburse you for the actual cash value of those destroyed belongings. This amount is likely insufficient to purchase replacements.

Loss of Use

Your rental policy may additionally include loss of use coverage. This helps pay for any temporary living expenses you incur, such as hotel payments, while your apartment is being restored.

Renters insurance does pay for damage to your personal property after a fire. To ensure you can actually replace any items that are destroyed in the blaze, you should purchase a replacement cost endorsement . Your policy may also provide loss of use coverage if you have to temporarily move out of your apartment.

3 Things You Need To Know To Fix a Leaky Faucet

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

3 Things You Should Know About Fixing A Leaky Faucet

A leaking faucet can be annoying and over time can make your water bill higher than it should be. Instead of calling a plumber to fix your dripping faucet in Plant City, FL, here are a few tips to help you save money and do it yourself.

1. Figure Out What Type of Faucet You have

There are four common types of faucets. You must know which type you have before you can fix a leaking faucet, as each one has different parts. A compression faucet is the most recognizable, with two separate handles for hot and cold water. The other three types (cartridge faucet, ball faucet, and ceramic-disk faucet) aren't as easy to tell apart just by looking at them, and you'll likely need to take them apart first to determine what's inside.

2. Determine What Tools You Need

No matter which type of faucet you have, you'll need a few standard tools to get the job done, including a Phillips-head screwdriver, a flat-head screwdriver, wrench, pliers, and plumber's grease (make sure it's nontoxic and heat-resistant). If you have a ball faucet, it requires other special parts and tools that can be purchased as a kit at most home repair stores.

3. Purchase Replacement Parts if Needed

To fix a compression-style leaking faucet, replacement seat washers are required. A cartridge faucet needs replacement O-rings. If you have a ball faucet, a ball-faucet replacement kit is necessary. For a ceramic-disk faucet, you may have to purchase replacement seals and vinegar for cleaning the parts.

Once you have a fixed leak, you can be at ease knowing you saved money and avoided additional water damage restoration costs, if that leaky faucet had turned into something more serious. You're also prepared and know what to do if it happens again, such as having the right tools and an extra replacement kit on hand.

Signs of Mold in HVAC System

4/1/2022 (Permalink)

Mold In The HVAC System

Mold in air ducts can be bothersome and potentially dangerous. Building owners in Plant City, FL, have to be aware of the signs of mold and know when HVAC cleaning is needed. Here are the indicators of mold growth that you should be watching out for.

Causes of Mold Growth

Knowing if your HVAC system is at a high risk for developing mold can help you stay on top of the problem. Mold grows in air ducts for several reasons:

  • Humidity
  • Oversized AC units
  • High temperatures
  • Setting the AC too low
  • Failure to replace cleaning vents

If your building is at a high risk for mold growth, you should have a mold remediation specialist perform occasional HVAC cleaning services.


If mold spores are present in your system, you should be able to smell mildew. If you are unsure if your HVAC system is the source of the odor, you should try turning it off and back on again after waiting a few minutes. If the smell is stronger when the system is turned on, that is a strong indicator that it is the source of the problem.

Visible Mold

Mold, or signs of mold, may be visible to the naked eye. If you frequently check your system for visible mold, you are far more likely to catch it early before it has time to spread. You should also check for any signs of moisture since it causes mold growth.

Pooling Water

If you have pooling water, mold growth is very likely. In addition to checking for signs of moisture, you should look for problems that could cause a buildup of water. Examples include blocked drains or drip pans. You should also check for condensation both inside and outside of the system.

Knowing when your system is high risk, paying attention to odors and checking for visible mold and pooling water will help you determine if you have a mold problem. If you observe mold in your air ducts or suspect that it is present, a professional should perform HVAC cleaning services immediately to minimize damage and risks.

SERVPRO Provides Disaster Assistance Your Business Can Count On

3/18/2022 (Permalink)

A truck from a restoration company A local SERVPRO franchise can help your business recover from the worst storm damage and get it back up and running.

SERVPRO Offers Disaster Recovery Services You Can Rely On

When a devastating storm wreaks havoc on your business in Plant City, FL, disaster recovery hinges upon immediate storm response efforts. A local SERVPRO franchise can help your business recover from the worst storm damage and get it back up and running.

Types of Storm Damage

Severe storms can cause costly damage to your business due to:

  • Broken windows and doors
  • Electrical systems failures
  • Destruction of furnishings and equipment
  • Flooding
  • Air contamination

The best way to prevent irreparable damage following a storm-related disaster is to contact a highly qualified local SERVPRO franchise whose knowledgeable personnel can rush to handle the clean-up and remediation efforts.

SERVPRO Response

When your business's survival is on the line and hinges upon immediate action following a disaster, SERVPRO's unmatched quick response time can keep you from permanently closing your doors. SERVPRO gives each franchise the support and resources it needs to acquire the most powerful and durable equipment to deep clean your business and trains its staff to coordinate every aspect of emergency storm response.

Businesses that use SERVPRO's disaster recovery services following a severe storm can rely upon a multi-pronged sanitization process that incorporates CDC and EPA-sanctioned cleaning and remediation practices.

SERVPRO Clean Is Like No Other

With over 1700 American franchises, SERVPRO continues to be the leader in disaster restoration and recovery services. Its reputation for restoring when possible and replacing when necessary ensures that businesses suffer as little disruption as possible following a severe storm.

SERVPRO training teams provide continuous support and education to field personnel, enabling them to apply powerful yet safe methods for cleaning, sanitizing and restoring your business property. Standards compliance teams select and vet preferred vendors who can reliably uphold SERVPRO's performance criteria before they can participate in storm response and other disaster recovery efforts.

When storm damage to your business leaves you wondering when you can resume operating, SERVPRO's disaster recovery services are ready to jump in to offer the help you need in Plant City, FL

Fire Remediation: From Start to Finish

3/1/2022 (Permalink)

Specialist is cleaning fire damage in a home. SERVPRO of NE Hillsborough County/Plant City is your local water damage and fire damage restoration professional.

From Start To Finish: Fire Remediation

The fire restoration process can be a long one. It starts when a professional fire remediation company assesses the damage to your home and ends only when your home is restored to its former glory. Here is a look at the whole process divided into its two main parts - mitigation and restoration.


Mitigation is the process of getting rid of the causes of the damage to your home in Plant City, FL, as well as the damage itself. When dealing with the aftermath of a fire, you aren’t just looking for items that are burned. Technicians must also deal with other damage:

  • Water damage from efforts to extinguish the fire
  • Smoke damage from the haze created by the fire
  • Structural damage from fire itself

Experts start the process by assessing how much the fire destroyed. Then, they remove excess water and affected items so they can get to the structure itself. They remove the walls, floors and ceilings that are waterlogged or otherwise compromised. The parts of the structure that remain must be cleaned before fire restoration can begin. Smoke and soot must be removed from surfaces and cleaned out of crevices. Everything must be disinfected to ensure that no bacteria or harsh chemicals remain.


After damage cleaning is complete, technicians can begin to put your home back together again. Walls and insulation that were torn out are replaced. Ceilings, cabinets and flooring are rebuilt. The finishing touch comes when the restoration crew makes sure that the new parts of your home match the areas they were able to salvage. When they are finished, your home should look “Like it never even happened.”

When looking for a company to handle fire restoration for your home in Plant City, FL, it can be helpful to choose a company that specializes in both mitigation and restoration. By incorporating the two parts into one process, you can expect a smoother recovery.

3 Tips for Checking for Leaks in Your Bathroom

3/1/2022 (Permalink)

Three Ways To Check Your Bathroom For Leaks

If your Plant City, FL, has experienced a bathtub leak you may be wondering how to locate any other leaks that could occur in your bathroom. Fortunately, many water damage professionals recommend looking at a few key areas. These include

1. Checking the Drain Area

In some cases, if you have a shower pan leak, checking the drain area may give you some indications. In many cases, the first signs of a leak may show up around the drain and related pipes. This includes crawl spaces or behind walls where the pipes from the drains may be routed. A plumbing professional may be able to tell you some other signs you should be looking for.

2. Checking the Room Below the Bathroom

If you've experienced a bathtub leak then you may want to check the room below the tub to see if you can find any signs of water damage coming from above. This may include discoloration of the ceiling, soggy or peeling paint, or signs of dampness on the floor below where water could have dripped. In the event you find water damage, then you may want to contact a water damaged professional to take care of any repairs.

3. Checking for Wear and Tear

It's important to look for signs of wear and tear whenever inspecting your bathroom for possible leaks. Look for spaces of loose grout, peeling caulking, chipped tile or concrete, and for other general signs of frequent use. If you know the age of your bathroom fixtures, then you may be able to find other recommendations of things to look for from the manufacturer.

Whether you have a bathtub leak, a shower drain problem, or an issue with the bathroom sink, looking at these things may help you find a leak before it causes water damage. If you do find water damage or a plumbing problem, it's best to contact a professional as soon as possible.

3 Things You Should Know About Fire Extinguishers

2/28/2022 (Permalink)

Extinguishers: Three Things You Should Know

A fire extinguisher in your home in Plant City, FL can be an effective way to keep you and your home safe. However, there are a variety of things that are helpful to know about extinguishers to ensure they can be used quickly and effectively.

1. The Type of Extinguishers in Your Home

Different types of extinguishers exist, and it’s helpful to do some research before placing one in a location within your home. For example, Type B extinguisher would help in the event of a kitchen fire caused by grease, whereas a Class A extinguisher can stifle fires that use wood as fuel. Often, you can purchase combination extinguisher that will effectively put out different types of fires.

2. The Location of the Extinguishers

Just having a fire extinguisher in your home isn’t enough to prevent a fire if the location of the extinguisher is not convenient. It’s often important to place extinguishers in areas such as kitchens and laundry rooms since these areas are common places for fires to occur. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the extinguishers are within reach so you can access them quickly if needed.

3. How To Use the Extinguisher

In the event of a fire, it’s often helpful to know how to use an extinguisher quickly and correctly. Though extinguishers are labeled clearly with directions, it can save you time if you already know the appropriate steps to take. The term P.A.S.S. (pull, aim, squeeze, sweep) is a common acronym that is used to give people an easy way to remember the key steps to take when using an extinguisher.

Making sure you have the right types of fire extinguisher in your home, putting extinguishers in convenient locations and knowing how to use an extinguisher can be incredibly help if a fire occurs. If your home has been impacted by a fire, you may want to consider working with fire damage restoration experts.

3 Steps of the Mold Remediation Process

2/25/2022 (Permalink)

Plastic wrap containing mold damage. This home had a mold problem that had to be contained. SERVPRO is here for all your mold remediation needs!

When you discover black mold in your building in Hillsborough County, FL you need to take immediate action to address it. This work should always be carried out by mold cleanup professionals. They know how to handle the entire mold remediation process efficiently so that the building is safe for everyone once again.

1. Determine the Extent of Contamination

When the professionals first come out, they will need to determine how far the mold has spread. You may be able to see mold in one room, but it could have easily spread behind the drywall or to other areas. For the remediation plan to be successful, the crew will need to conduct a thorough examination of the building to see what areas have been affected.

2. Remediate the Situation

For this part, there are many actions the crew may perform depending on what type of mold your building has and how far it has spread. First, they will need to ensure the moisture problem is addressed so that the black mold does not grow back. Additional steps that may need to be performed include:

  • Suppressing the flow of dust
  • Removing all damaged items from the room
  • Cleaning the surface of non-porous substances
  • Cleaning the floor and drywall
  • Allowing the area to dry

3. Review the Building

Once everything is taken care of, the professionals will conduct another examination of the building to ensure there is no more mold. In addition to making sure there are no visible signs of it, the crew will also need to ensure that no spores spread into other areas. Once this is done, you can have the peace of mind that your building is free of mold.

Many safety precautions need to be taken when dealing with black mold, so leave this work to the professionals. The experts will make sure your building is safe for everyone before calling it a day.

What Makes SERVPRO Such a Successful Business?

2/25/2022 (Permalink)

workers from a restoration company are walking to the horizon Get involved with a SERVPRO franchise today. The company has an effective business model as well as the track record to prove it.

What Is It That Makes SERVPRO Such A Successful Company?

For life’s disasters and worst incidents, you need to turn to someone you can trust to help correct the problem and get you back on your feet. Not only do you look for a company that employs skilled technicians and that uses quality equipment to clean up your Plant City, FL, home, but you want to work with a solid company you know has a solid reputation. A SERVPRO franchise meets all these criteria.

What Sets SERVPRO Apart?

A quick online search will reveal that SERVPRO isn’t the only disaster recovery company out there. You have many choices to explore when you need emergency cleanup. However, SERVPRO has some advantages other places can’t match.

• They’re locally owned and operated.
• They have the necessary credentials and certifications.
• They thoroughly train employees in effective techniques and best practices.
• They have the right level of experience.

National and Local

SERVPRO is a large company with strong corporate backing and structure. The company has the infrastructure you would expect from a well-established national brand. At the same time, SERVPRO also has numerous locations across the country, so they also have a local presence. Your nearby SERVPRO franchise can responds quickly to your needs. It also means the local offices have the support from the corporate headquarters and can reach out to headquarters for any essential resources.

Qualified and Skilled

Some companies tell you they have what it takes to get the job done, but SERVPRO will show you. Not only do technicians go through rigorous training and have the knowledge you’d want in a response team, but SERVPRO is also certified is disaster cleanup after fire, flooding and mold. This is a name you can trust and one in which you can have peace of mind when you need an expert to help you with home damages.

Get involved with a SERVPRO franchise today. The company has an effective business model as well as the track record to prove it.

How To Find the Source of a Toilet Leak

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

How To Figure Out Where A Toilet Leak Is Coming From

A toilet is a simple machine that homeowners in Valrico, FL, often take for granted. When you have a leaking toilet, however, you may become acutely aware of how disruptive this dysfunction may be to your daily life. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to discover where the leak originates and thus the next steps to fixing it.

Possible Causes

A bathroom leak is not something you want to ignore. It only takes a small amount of water to cause damage such as rot or mold under your floor tiles. If you notice water at the base of the toilet when you flush, it could have several causes:

  • Wax seal failure
  • Improper installation of seal
  • Faulty supply line
  • Cracked tank
  • Condensation on bowl

To determine which of these issues is causing the leak, dry off the area with a towel. Flush the leaking toilet again, and pay attention to where the water comes from. If it leaks out the bottom, you know the problem is with the way the toilet is fastened or sealed. If it leaks from the hose running from the wall or from the tank, you know the problem stems from that particular area.

Possible Solutions

When water is leaking from somewhere other than the base of the toilet, call a plumber to repair the source of the leak and water restoration specialists to assess and repair the damage it may have caused. You may be able to stop water from leaking at the base by simple tightening the bolts that secure it to the floor. If that doesn't fix it, you may need to remove the toilet and replace the wax seal to stop the leak.

A leaking toilet can throw off your day. Once you locate the problem, however, the solution may be fairly simple. Troubleshoot what you can, and call in the experts if the problem is too big or you need water damage remediation.

3 Tips for Checking for Leaks in Your Bathroom

1/26/2022 (Permalink)

Three Ways To Check Your Bathroom For Leaks

If your Plant City, FL, has experienced a bathtub leak you may be wondering how to locate any other leaks that could occur in your bathroom. Fortunately, many water damage professionals recommend looking at a few key areas. These include

1. Checking the Drain Area

In some cases, if you have a shower pan leak, checking the drain area may give you some indications. In many cases, the first signs of a leak may show up around the drain and related pipes. This includes crawl spaces or behind walls where the pipes from the drains may be routed. A plumbing professional may be able to tell you some other signs you should be looking for.

2. Checking the Room Below the Bathroom

If you've experienced a bathtub leak then you may want to check the room below the tub to see if you can find any signs of water damage coming from above. This may include discoloration of the ceiling, soggy or peeling paint, or signs of dampness on the floor below where water could have dripped. In the event you find water damage, then you may want to contact a water damaged professional to take care of any repairs.

3. Checking for Wear and Tear

It's important to look for signs of wear and tear whenever inspecting your bathroom for possible leaks. Look for spaces of loose grout, peeling caulking, chipped tile or concrete, and for other general signs of frequent use. If you know the age of your bathroom fixtures, then you may be able to find other recommendations of things to look for from the manufacturer.

Whether you have a bathtub leak, a shower drain problem, or an issue with the bathroom sink, looking at these things may help you find a leak before it causes water damage. If you do find water damage or a plumbing problem, it's best to contact a professional as soon as possible.

Fire Escape: Is Your Business Prepared

1/20/2022 (Permalink)

Is Your Company Prepared for A Fire?

A business fire, or any fire for that matter, incites panic and fear. Proper fire preparation can reduce the chances of entrapment and ensure that all your employees or tenants escape the property intact and healthy. To ensure the safety of everyone, you should be making routine checks throughout your property.

1. Fire Extinguishers

You should have fire extinguishers in every corridor and within 75 feet of hazardous areas. All extinguishers should be inspected annually. Also, the units should be mounted 5 feet from the floor with no other elements within a 3-foot radius.

2. Suppression Systems

A business fire can be extinguished quickly if your fire suppression system is working correctly. You can perform routine maintenance, ensuring that the sprinkler heads are free of debris and are not leaking or broken. However, you should have the system checked annually by a professional.

3. Emergency Exits

All emergency exits should be unlocked and have alarms attached. Also, while some may find hallways a perfect place to store miscellaneous goods, these exits should remain clear. Any obstruction can slow down an exit and may even result in someone losing their life.

4. Exit Routes

Additionally, there should be clearly defined exit routes. You can create maps of the building, specifying exits, and mount them throughout the premises, but you should also have lit exit signs and other signage that make escape routes clear and defined.

If you need assistance with emergency planning, or if you are currently dealing with fire damage and loss, a disaster restoration specialist in the Plant City, FL, area may be able to help. These professionals often offer free property assessments to aid in your planning needs.

A business fire, as with all fires, is dangerous. However, in commercial property with multiple hallways and rooms, it is especially challenging to navigate and find your way to safety. Therefore, it is vital to plan and practice escapes as well as prepare your facility for the possibility of a disaster.

Flood or Storm Damage: When is a Flood a Flood

1/13/2022 (Permalink)

Specialist are cleaning water damage in a business SERVPRO is your local water, flood, and fire damage restoration professional. Call SERVPRO today to learn more about how we can help! (813) 459-3767

When Is A Flood A Flood?

Flooding is one of those issues that causes a lot of controversy around the idea of insurance coverage. While flood damage requires individual riders and sometimes special policies, storm damage is often covered under a typical business policy. Why is that, and what exactly is the difference between flood and stormwater damage? The critical issue is in the definition of flood and stormwater.

1. Flood Water

Flood water is defined by territory and natural formation. Therefore, overflowing rivers, lakes, creeks, watercourses and dams are considered floods. Water overflowing from these areas and into your building will require coverage from an individual insurance rider or policy.

2. Stormwater

Stormwater refers to water overflowing from drains due to backups or rainwater. This type of flood damage is considered damage from a storm or other humanmade issue. However, while most policies will cover this type of damage, you may require special insurance coverage for your surrounding property or possible business interruption.

3. Water Damage Overlap

There are instances where both rainwater and overflowing rivers cause flooding. In these instances, it is up to your insurer what items are covered or not, likely anything explicitly caused by rainwater and damaging your property will be covered, but this can be hard to prove.

4. Water Coverage and Recovery

The most practical thing to do is to get a flood insurance rider if you are in a moderate to high-risk flood zone. By covering multiple possibilities, you can ensure a better outcome. Call your insurer or a flood remediation specialist in the Valrico, FL, area to discuss your options further.

Flood damage is unique in that its causes vary wildly from natural occurrences to humanmade crisis but that it is not as broadly covered by insurance policies. Insurers define flood water and stormwater in different ways which may result in the necessity of multiple policies or riders.

Protecting Your Home Against Water Damage

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage in a home This basement was flooded and SERVPRO was able to remove all the water and clean up the mess!

Defending Your Home From Water Damage

Never assume your household in Plant City, FL, is completely safe from flooding just because it’s dry outside. Learn how to protect against problematic water in home areas by following a few simple precautions.

1. Airflow

Surprisingly, the water lines used by your central heating and air systems can be a significant and costly source of leaks. If any water buildup occurs besides a small amount of condensation, have the unit inspected by an HVAC professional. A substantial drip or leak from any pipe leading to or from the unit will cause moisture to accrue in the surrounding area. Also ensure that the home temperatures are set within reasonable margins to prevent the unit from freezing, which can lead to a damaged or broken pipe.

2. Plumbing

Plumbing and drainage systems can be another source of excess water in home surfaces. Make sure that your toilet tank has no dripping water. Inspect the ring seal around the base of your toilet so that water can move from the bowl to the sewer without accumulating in the flooring. Check other pipes for cracks, especially at bends and connection points. If the damage is significant, some types of pipe cleanup and other water damage restoration may be best left to a professional service.

3. Your Policy

While many robust home insurance policies are available, no insurer will cover every possible flood damage scenario. This is especially true in cases of negligence, such as when a home is unoccupied for a long period of time or when a flooding problem goes unaddressed and causes ongoing damage. Stay on top of inspection and maintenance tasks to guarantee that you remain within the bounds of your existing coverage.

No homeowner wants to incur costly repair and replacement fees by ignoring flood water in home areas. By checking on the condition of your pipes and stopping leaks when they occur, you can keep your home dry for years to come.


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